
Future-proofing France’s offshore wind against climate change

Innosea’s climate change adaptation team spoke to Aegir Insights on the possibilities for France to capitalize on its late-blooming offshore wind build by future-proofing for climate change.

Though slow to harness its vast Atlantic and Mediterranean wind resources, the country now has a world-first study looking into developing projects in extreme weather-impacted seas that could lead it to have a more ‘resilient’ future fleet, writes Aegir’s Darius Snieckus.

Innosea has been appointed to the 2C NOW research and development (R&D) project, which aims to establish the impact of climate change on wind resources and metocean design conditions for the offshore wind industry.

Innosea climate change adaptation engineer Matéo Pimoult adds: “The aim of renewables is to mitigate climate change, but renewables are weather- and climate-dependent, so if we don’t adapt these technologies, they are not going to be able to fulfill that [climate action] role.”

Check out the full article, available below