
Innosea completes FLOTANT floating wind scope

Innosea has completed its engineering and consulting scope of work on the FLOTANT project – a European Horizon-2020 funded R&D project to develop optimised mooring, anchoring and subsea interconnection arrangement for floating offshore turbines. 

The multinational collaborative project has developed a concept design and basic engineering for a hybrid concrete-plastic floating windfarm platform, looking at innovative solutions for anchoring, mooring systems, and dynamic cabling. The project included a global performance assessment of the new concept, with the objective to find a solution, which improves cost-efficiency, robustness and flexibility in floating wind subsea design for deeper waters from 100 to 600 meters water depth.

“The results, including the development of a new concept for high-performance dynamic cabling, will play a key role in supporting the further expansion of floating wind technology into even deeper waters, unlocking higher wind resource at lower production cost.”

Jordi Serret, Innosea’s Project Manager, FLOTANT Project

Innosea, the R&D, engineering and advisory specialist within marine renewable energies, has completed engineering deliveries within three areas:

  • Hydrodynamic assessment and dynamic cable configuration determination and optimisation to develop a lightweight and high-performance dynamic cable
  • Stability analysis and wave-structure interaction analysis to develop a new solution for offshore floating substructure
  • Coupled simulations and global performance assessment of the integrated FLOTANT solution

The FLOTANT project, which kicked off in 2019, is due for completion in spring 2022. The project’s results will be presented at the upcoming Wind Europe Exhibition in Bilbao, Spain, 5-7 April 2022, as part of the exhibition’s conference programme.

FLOTANT is a collaborative consortium project funded by EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 under the Grant Agreement nº 815289. The consortium is composed of 17 partners from 8 European countries. All consortium partners can be viewed on the FLOTANT website

Innosea, part of Oslo-listed ABL Group, is a leading engineering partner in multi-national R&D projects to support the innovation and validation of new design concepts for floating wind, floating solar PV, wave and tidal energy, and carbon-reducing initiatives for ports.