
Int. Day of Women & Girls in Science: Helene Robic, Offshore Structural Engineer

Today’s 6th International Day of Women and Girls in Science is focussed on the theme ‘Beyond Borders’ – equality in science for society, with special emphasis on the value of social aspects and cultural dimensions in Science, Technology and Innovation to enhance sustainable development.

To mark the occasion, we asked three of LOC’s female scientists about their experiences working in technology and science and the advice they would give to girls considering it as a career path.

Helene Robic, Offshore Structural Engineer and Mechanical Engineer, Innosea in Nantes, shares her thoughts:

1. What area of science do you specialise in, and what made you go into it?

I first studied nuclear engineering but I realized that I would prefer to work in a professional sector more in line with my ecological convictions. So I specialised in mechanical engineering for offshore structures, with a view to work in the offshore wind sector. I believe that I have now succeeded in that goal, since I am working as an offshore structural engineer at INNOSEA.

2. What for you, is the most exciting aspect of a career in applied science?

Everyday, I use various fundamental scientific knowledge such as mathematics, physics which I learned during my studies but at the same time my work is really practical. The structures that I help in designing, the offshore wind farms I have worked on – these are now being built and they will produce clean energy. That’s what make me really happy.

3. What advice do you have for girls and young women today considering a future in science?

Do not hesitate! There are so many different sectors and jobs in science, so much variety, that you will find your place.

4. Science is central to the success of today’s energy transition journey….what would you like to see take place to accelerate the fight for climate change?

I would like to see more investment in innovation for renewable energies (tidal, photovoltaic, …) to promote clean energies.