
Name change registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises

On 14 December 2020, the Extraordinary General Meeting of AqualisBraemar ASA resolved to change the company’s name to AqualisBraemar LOC ASA. The name change has as of today been registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Norwegian: Foretaksregisteret).

For further information, please contact:

Investors and financial media

Dean Zuzic, CFO, AqualisBraemar LOC ASA
Telephone: +47 41 43 35 60

Other media enquiries

Endre Johansen, Corporate Communications AS
Telephone: +47 41 61 06 05

About AqualisBraemar LOC ASA

AqualisBraemar LOC ASA (OSE: Aqua) offers independent adjusting, marine and offshore consultancy to the global renewables, maritime, oil and gas and power sectors. The group has offices in 39 countries worldwide. AqualisBraemar LOC ASA operates under seven brands: AqualisBraemar, LOC, OWC, Innosea, Longitude, JLA and ABL Yacht Services.